What experienced Spiritual Technology practitioners say about QUICK GOALS?
Here are some of the experiences which prominent members of our Spiritual Technology discussion forum had with the Quick Goals goal achievement system. Most are from the messages they sent to the forum, and some are from the reports they sent personally to me.
Tony Wang, I.M. expert
The first one is the video testimonial from Tony Wang, experienced Internet Marketer and a long time practitioner of my previous Spiritual Option system. In that clip he talks about results he got with QUICK GOALS and his experiences with the system.
He attended the Online QUICK GOALS Workshop I coached in the October last year and achieved these results in less than two weeks. I have seen many success stories from QUICK GOALS practitioners, but this one is certainly one of the most impressive.
The next one was sent to the S-T discussion forum by the experienced Spiritual Technology practitioner (Trainer of Trainers), psychotherapist and coach Melanie McGhee.
I just saw the super early bird discount for Filip's course is ending today.
If you have been on the fence about this, I encourage you to consider jumping in with both feet. Filip has refined his use of ST with goals and has come up with a system that is very "user friendly." It does take some time, but what goal does not? Further, the time spent is very productive.
This system is an elegant combination of guided strategic thinking AND deactivation of charge that inhibits goal achievement.
I have referred a couple of my clients to this system and they are having great results AND enjoying the process.
I am currently using Quick Goals and find that it keeps me on track and in alignment with achieving my goal in a way that doesn't stress or press me. Unlike my experience with some other goal achievement systems, I find that I actually enjoy using this one.
All this to say, if you are hesitating --- perhaps an integration around hesitation might help. Or perhaps this is just the encouragement you needed and you are ready to say YES.
Finally, Filip, thank you for creating this system. I look forward to refining my own skills with it!
Melanie McGhee, experienced psychotherapist and coach, L.C.S.W. , PEAT Trainer
Mile Kostov is like a walking advertisement that shows what can bi done with one's reality with consistent use of self improvement techniques. This is a part from the report he sent me after attending the S.O. workshop (in 2004.). Below the first one you can find the link to the texts which describe second and third of the major goals he achieved with previous versions of Quick Goals. One of these is detailed description of the use of the system, so it is longer, and that is the reason why I separated them to another web page (actually, it is are more like a case study, than testimonial).
"I doubled my income in just three months using SPIRITUAL
OPTION! What seemed like an impossible goal before, today is my
reality. Incredible!!! Ability to use my SPIRITUAL OPTIONS is a gift from heaven,
and Filip is an unlimited source of knowledge." --Mile
Kostov, Manager of Skovin AD Import-Export company, Republic of Macedonia, Europe
(www.skovin.com.mk) milekostov@skovin.com.mk
Here you can read how Mile got an apartment in exclusive neibourhood for his family in just two weeks , and published (and got an important literature award for it) his first novel. To read it click here.
(The next one is a message sent to Spiritual Technology discussion group by Karen Gould, life coach and S-T trainer of trainers).
Dear Members,
I want to thank Filip Mihajlovic, author of Spiritual Options, for his recent Quick Goals Webinar. The system is really amazing. It helps you refine your focus on your Goal, let's you experience the goal achieved, and then reveals how you can get there.
Of course, it is a tool and it must be used to be effective. As with all Spiritual Technologies, you can't learn the work without doing the work. So the training has given me new insights into identifying obstacles to my goal achievement and a great way to clear those obstacles through acceptance and a steady focus of will.
Again, thank you, Filip!
Karen Gould, Integrative Energy Coach, PEAT Processor and Trainer, Certified Intuitive Healer, EFT Practitioner, IAM Protocol Facilitator, TX, USA, 817 658 3306,
Dear Members, as Karen did, I attended Filip Mihajlovic's Quick Goals Webinar and I want to add my opinion to her feedback (by the way, I totally agree with all nice things she wrote). Quick Goals was very useful to me, above all for one reason: it gave me a direction. In the last years, I've been studying and experiencing a lot, and learned many things (notions, techniques, etc), but I often felt the need of something which could help me to "put all the pieces together". Other times, I needed some kind of "plan", because I didn't have a clear vision of the path to follow. In these 2 days, working with a "simple" goal, many things that I have to change (both in the goal, in my attitude and behavior) became really clear. Therefore, now I know, very clearly exactly what I have to do. The best thing is that I create my plan day by day, and I change it on the basis of the development of things around me. Quick Goals system allowed me to do that easily. The "Everyday practice plan" we got from Filip is very clear, easy to follow and it's helping me to stay focused on my goal(s), being able to improve it, and requires only a little amount of time. So, what more can I add? I really appreciated it and I'm really happy that I choose to join this workshop! I want to thank Filip for creating this system, Vladimir for his good advertisement (that made me decide to participate) and assistance, Karen and all the other fellow participants for their presence. It was really great experience. Arelena! Dario
Linda Borovtsova, Psychologist, Life Coach, Dating & Relationship Coach, Moscow, Russian Federation, www.1daytoday.ruDavid Auerheimer
Filip, I have diligently performed the post-workshop exercises and I feel that I am integrating the SO QG processes very well, and with a clear understanding and a pretty smooth-going experience of the application. I continue to gain many valuable insights into basically my whole being when doing the 10F method (which was certainly not an expectation before taking the webinar). I cannot imagine being more pleased at having learned the SO Quick Goals method in your webinar. It means a lot to me to have seen the care with which you present the method, so that all participants are able to comprehend the method and apply it to their personal situation and circumstances with confidence and effectiveness. I am finding SO Quick Goals to be exactly what I have been needing to get through some stagnate issues in my life experience, and I will let you know more about that in the future. Again, Thank you Filip David
Olga Lavrinenko, Career Counselor & Job Search Coach. Moscow, Russian FederationJeanette Nelson
Filip, Thank you so much for the wonderful goal technique and the very clear and effective way you ran the workshop. I'm excited to review the videos.* Also I am very interested in using this with my clients. Please let me know when you plan on holding the advanced workshop. I am seeing such a difference in my general approach to thing already and the lack of struggle in general toward my productivity on the goal I chose, and all the other things I am doing, as well. Amazing really. Thanks, Jeannette (*Q.G. Online Workshop participants also get the video recordings of the workshop*)
Zana Bekova, psychologist, MBA, Stuttgart, GermanyDear Filip, my husband is from Serbia, so it was so nice for me to know that the author of the best Goal achievement system is Serbian too :) First of all, I would like to thank you for your great work! I discovered your S.O. system couple of month ago, immediately got your free course and started working on it. Then I bought S.O. and Q.G. :) I am working on my Goals and coaching 5 of my friengs (for free). The results which we are getting every day really astonishing me. I can see personal transformations in myself and in my friends, how our attitude and behaviour changing towards our Goals. You are completely right - we find a system which works for us and then we are happy to share it with others. I am a psychologist and for many years I've been looking for a good Goal achievement and Motivation system for me. I saw that mostly I achieved short-term Goals, because the first Portion of Goal Enthusiasm was usually enough to go through couple of barriers. But for long-term goals or complicated goals, which had more barriers, my first Portion of Goal Enthusiasm was definitely not enough... Only when I read about S.O. the whole puzzle made a clear picture for me. I got the perfect tool which I was always looking for! A few words about me. I am a Kasakh girl, living now in Stuttgart, Germany. Before I got married I lived 13 years in Poland and couple of month in Dubai. My husband is born and grow up in Germany, but his parents are from Cacac, where we had on Sommer 2013 our wedding party on the beautiful Morava :) I am a psychologist and MBA, I worked 10 years in a polish company as an Import and Sales Director. In those years I got 2 Reiki initiations, did Silva and other courses and trainings on using subconscious, working with energy, Quantum Transformations etc. I beleive in spiritual harmony, but all those spiritual systems where im my opinion somehow incomplete. That is why I like your methods so much - you give the explanation why something doesn't work, the step-by-step Manual how to make it working and an easy and powerful motivational Tool. Clear, concrete, exact, without thousands of pages of "esoteric" Bla-bla-bla which says you in the end "to become more self-confident you need to gain some more self-confidence". Dear Filip, Happy New Year and I wish you many successes in your life and specially in developing your Goal achievement methods for us! Your grateful student and follower, Zana Bekova, psychologist, Stuttgart, Germany zanabek@gmail.com
Ognjen Antov, Producer, manager and co-founder at Dream Factory film and production company, Skopje, Macedonia, Europe
(The last one is the text I borrowed from the Vladimir's personal website (Vladimir Stojakovic, the founder of Spiritual Technology discussion forum on Yahoo). In it he shares his experience with the Q.G. system)
A few weeks ago I received training in Filip's new system for achieving goals. System is named QUICK GOALS and I am very happy with the results I'm getting with it.
You might be familiar with Filip's previous system named Spiritual Option. I completed it on all levels. It brought essential changes to my life. I became very efficient and increased my income well above the level that I set as my initial goal. And all those changes stuck.
Some time ago I had a Skype conversation with Satyen Raya, who is a long time professional in our area (integration of charge or integration of consciousness).
We agreed that the only goal achievement system that exists in our area is Spiritual Option. There is nothing else within our way of doing things which is focused towards goal achievement primarily.
I tried many goal achievement methods (outside of our area too) , but Spiritual Option is hands down the best I was able to find.
And now, with Quick Goals, Filip raised it to a new level.
What are the differences between Spiritual Option and Quick Goals?
Everything has its advantages and disadvantages.
Some advantages of Spiritual Option are effective identification and permanent removal of barriers that separate us from our goals, optimisation of the goal that motivates the person, flexibility one acquires and maintains in order to reach the goal, and so on.
And the disadvantage is a lot of work that needed to be done.
For people like me, who are into processing, this is not a disadvantage, because this approach introduces permanent changes and therapy benefits as well.
But for the most busy people of today it might be.
And this is what Filip fixed in Quick Goals.
He intelligently simplified every step of the system and dramatically reduced the workload that needs to be done in order to achieve your goal and stay on the path.
It's easy to learn it and easy to apply it.
It is simple, elegant and easy way to reach your goals as fast as possible.
Vladimir Stojakovic, Certified trainer of all S-T techniques (Trainer of Trainers), the founder of Spiritual Technology discussion forum on Yahoo